Monday, May 23, 2022

Two Poems, by Kim Fahner



Tiny things

Like fruit flies in beakers,
and broken hearts, and mushrooms
that spring up where you least
expect them on wooded hikes,
and the absence of a voice
that was once beloved.


In Your Bones

Water that is cold, but without ice,
and a shiver that passes from
head to toe: a manual return on
an antique typewriter, with a bell
that rings, or a door slam
that sets a gust rushing
through the house.




Kim Fahner lives and writes in Sudbury, Ontario. Her latest book of poems is These Wings (Pedlar Press, 2019) and her new book, Emptying the Ocean, is being published by Frontenac House in Fall 2022. Kim is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, the Ontario Representative of The Writers' Union of Canada (2020-24), and also a supporting member of The Playwrights Guild of Canada. She is currently working on a manuscript of bee poems, as well as a new novel, tentatively titled The Painted Birds. She may be reached via her author website at

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